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Monday, September 6, 2010

Tables in QC - Test Set - Used to generate Excel Reports

TABLE: CYCLE (Test Sets)

CY_CYCLE_ID The ID of the test set record.
CY_CYCLE The test set name assigned by the creator of the test set.
51 CY_FOLDER_ID The CYCL_FOLD.CF_ITEM_ID of the folder containing the test set.
CY_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the test set is associated.

TABLE: CYCL_FOLD (The test set folder tree.)

CF_ITEM_ID The record ID.
CF_ITEM_NAME The folder name.
CF_FATHER_ID The CF_ITEM_ID of the folder containing this item. Root folders have CF_FATHER_ID = 0.
CF_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the folder is associated.

TABLE: TESTCYCL (Instances of design tests in test sets.)

TC_CYCLE_ID The CYCLE.CY_CYCLE_ID of the test set containing this test. (test set ID)
TC_STATUS The status of the last run of the test instance. The values are from the Status custom list.
Typical values are: Not Completed, No Run, Passed, N/A, Failed.
TC_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the test instance is associated.