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Monday, September 28, 2009

Who will be using BPT?

Groups of BPT Users:
1.Subject Matter Experts (SME)
2.Automation Experts

Subject Matter Experts (SME):This is defined as a tester who is very knowledgeable with the AUT and capable of writing highly detailed manual test cases.
The Role of the SME is to:
Write exact test steps required for the component to playback and verify steps (must include data to use).
Request for Components to be automated.
Create the BPT test script. This will be done by adding components to the test script.
Execute BPT test scripts.
Gather test results.

Automation Expert:This is the person who will be using QTP to automate Components.
The Role of the Automation Expert:
Convert Manual Components into Automated Components.
Update and Maintain Automated Components.