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Thursday, July 22, 2010

VUGen Questions - Load Runner Certification

HP Virtual User Generator Software
HP0 - M19
Question - 1
What is used, during the debugging process that will pause execution at a specific point in the
A. Step button
B. Compile button
C. Execution Arrow button
D. Toggle Breakpoint button
Question - 2
Which section in a VuGen script is executed only one time, during Vuser initialization?
A. Login
B. Action
C. vuser_init
D. vuser_end
Question - 3
You want to apply Script A Run-time settings, parameters, extra files, and actions to Script B.
How can this be accomplished?
A. Save Script A script as a template, then apply the template to Script B
B. Export Script A settings to a .cor file, then import the settings to Script B
C. Select the option to create a new Vuser script from, then, select Script A
D. Copy the .ext file located in Script A main directory to Script B main directory
Question - 4
For debugging purposes, you would like to show a browser during replay. Where do you enable
this option?
A. General options
B. Playback options
C. Run-time settings
D. Recording options
Question - 5
You have created several new Auto Correlation rules. A new tester on your team is preparing to
record a group of scripts on the same application on his workstation. What can you do to provide
the tester with the correlation rules?
A. You do not need to do anything. Auto Correlation rules are global and are available to all
testers using the same Controller machine.
B. Under the File menu, you select Zip Operations, then export to a zip file. You have the new
tester import the file into his script.
C. The Auto Correlation rules are saved in the script main folder. You create a share so the
other tester has access to the script main folder.
D. You export the Auto Correlation rules to a .cor file, and then have the new team member
import the .cor file into his Auto Correlation rules.
Question - 6
Examination: HP Virtual User Generator Software Exam Code: HP0-M19
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What is the recommended Logging Run-time setting when playing back a script prior to manual
A. Standard
B. Disable Logging
C. Extended -> Parameter Substitution
D. Extended -> Data Returned by Server
Question - 7
You want to have your script define a different e-mail address to each user during a registration
process for an e-commerce site, using the following format: Your script
will execute a maximum of 50 iterations. How can this be accomplished?
A. Define a file parameter, start at 1, block size per Vuser: 50, number format:
B. Define a unique number parameter, start at 1, block size per Vuser: 50, number format:
D. Define a random number parameter, minimum number: 1, maximum number: 99999, number
E. Define a sequential number parameter, minimum number: 1, maximum number 999, number
Question - 8
You want to have each step in your script measured as a transaction in the Controller and not
shown in the Replay Log in VuGen. How can you accomplish this?
A. Enable the automatic transaction in the Run-time settings
B. Manually add transactions to each step from the Tree view
C. Add a transaction to each page, using the transactions sub-task
D. Select the option from the Tools menu to add transaction to each step in the Script view
Question - 9
You want to emulate a call center for an airline. All representatives login in the morning, perform
their business processes, and log out at night. In one day, a representative will Create 40 flight
reservations, Modify 10 flight reservations, and Search for 20 flight reservations. A representative
cannot perform a Modify without performing a Search first. Which run logic would satisfy the load
testing goal?
A. Create - 67%
Search - 16%
Block0 - 17%
B. Create - 57%
Search - 29%
Block0 - 14%
C. Create - 57%
Search - 29%
Modify - 14%
D. Create - 67%
Search - 16%
Modify - 17%
Question - 10
Where do you define an Auto Correlation rule?
A. Test settings
B. General options
C. Run-time settings
D. Recording options
Question - 11
Examination: HP Virtual User Generator Software Exam Code: HP0-M19
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You want to create a Microsoft Word document for your web (HTTP/HTML) script that provides a
list of transactions, rendezvous, parameters and step descriptions. How can this be accomplished?
A. Create a Business Process Report in VuGen
B. Create a Microsoft Word Report from Analysis
C. Select the option to export .usr file to a Microsoft Word document
D. Copy the information in the .usr file, and paste it into a Microsoft Word document
Question - 12
You recorded a new script and then realized you failed to turn on the Enable correlation during
recording option. What should you do?
A. Regenerate the script
B. Re-record the script again
C. Highlight the entire script and press the Correlation button on the toolbar
D. Copy and paste the script to a new script with the Correlation option enabled
Question - 13
When modifying the Properties for a Block in the Run-time settings?Run Logic, which Run Logic
options are available? (Select two.)
A. File
B. Unique
C. Random
D. Sequential
E. Same Line As
F. Iteration Number
Question - 14
What will happen when you set the animated run delay to 5,000 milliseconds?
A. When replaying the script, the Run-time Viewer will pause for 5 seconds when an error has
B. When replaying the script, the Replay Log will only display the last 5 seconds of logging
C. When the script is replayed, the Run-time Viewer will display 5 seconds behind the current
line being executed.
D. When replaying the script, a line will execute, pause for 5 seconds, execute the next line of
code, pause for 5 seconds, and so on.
Question - 15
What is the purpose of the atoi function?
A. Retrieves the length of a string
B. Concatenates two string values
C. Converts a string to an integer value
D. Converts an integer to a string value
Question - 16
Which parameter type will always have the value of one when replayed in VuGen?
A. Vuser ID
B. Group Name
C. Iteration Number
D. Random Number
Question - 17
What must you do before attempting to automatically correlate after recording?
A. Enable the Auto Correlation feature
B. Play back the script at least one time
C. Ensure the snapshots are visible in the Tree view
D. Add the web_auto_correlation function to the global.h section
Question - 18
When do you need to add correlation to your script?
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A. Prior to every test run
B. Any time you need to vary user input data
C. Any time there are multiple page loads in a script
D. Any time dynamic data returned from the server appears in the script
Question - 19
One reason for parameterizing data in a script is to vary one value for an object when another
object on the application changes. A common example is username and password. Varying the
username requires you to change the password. What is this type of parameterization?
A. Data Caching
B. Date Constraint
C. Unique Constraint
D. Data Dependency
Question - 20
What is the purpose of the strcat function?
A. Joins two strings
B. Compares two strings
C. Returns the length of a string
D. Copies one string to another string
Question - 21
Which web protocol recording level always generates the web_submit_data function?
Question - 22
Which function marks the beginning of a measurement of elapsed time?
A. lr_start_transaction
B. lr_begin_transaction
C. web_start_transaction
D. web_begin_transaction
Question - 23
What is the output of the following code snippet?
char string[] = esting
lr_output_message (answer is: %u strlen(string));
A. Answer is: 7
B. Answer is: 8
C. Answer is: 9
D. Answer is: 10
Question - 24
What is the script view in VuGen?
A. A text-based view that lists the actions of the Vuser as API functions
B. A text-based view that displays the client request and server response
C. An icon-based view that represents what the client received from the server D.
An icon-based view that shows each step and the corresponding screenshots
Question - 25
What is one advantage of the Script view?
A. Allows you to see a snapshot of each page
B. Allows you to use the script documentation
C. Allows you to insert transactions through the task menu
D. Allows you to add logic using functions and control statements
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Question - 26
Which function allows you to register a search for a text string for the next Action function?
A. web_reg_text
B. web_reg_find
C. web_reg_save_find
D. web_reg_save_param
Question - 27
Which function allows you to exit from the script, action, or iteration?
A. lr_exit
B. web_exit
C. lr_exit_test
D. web_exit_run
Question - 28
Which keyword is a conditional statement?
A. If
B. For
C. Do
D. While
Question - 29
What is the common function used to display messages in the Replay Log?
A. lr_eval_string
B. lr_save_string
C. lr_set_debug_level
D. lr_output_message
Question - 30
During which stage is it recommended that the visual cues for verification be established?
A. During the scripting stage
B. During the planning stage
C. During the recording stage
D. During the execution stage
Question - 31
You want to loop through a block of code 10 times using the for loop. What would accomplish
A. For (i = 0; i < 10; i--) B. For (i = 1; i < 10; i--) C. For (i = 1; i < 10; i++) D. For (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) Question - 32 When performing a manual correlation, where do you search for the dynamic value? A. Script view B. Recording Log C. Tree view -> Client Request
D. Tree view -> Server Response
Question - 33
Which web protocol recording level generates the web_submit_form function?
Question - 34
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Which type of parameter can use the parameter simulation?
A. File
B. Date/Time
C. Unique Number
D. Random Number
Question - 35
What is the output of the following code snippet?
int i = 10;
lr_output_message (answer is: %d --i);
A. Answer is: 1
B. Answer is: 9
C. Answer is: 10
D. The code snippet is invalid.
Question - 36
What is the local operator used for AND?
A. ||
B. - -
C. &&
D. ++
Question - 37
You want to prevent VuGen from generating any lr_think_time functions in your script. What can
be modified to accomplish this?
A. Modify the Run-time settings and select Ignore think time
B. Modify the Run-time settings and select Multiply recorded think time by 0
C. Modify the Recording options and deselect the Generate think time greater than threshold
D. Modify the Recording options and deselect the Generate fexed think time after end transaction
Question - 38
You want to send a message to the log file, Replay Log, and Controller Output window. Which
function should you use?
A. lr_log_message
B. lr_error_message
C. lr_set_debug_level
D. lr_vuser_status_message
Question - 39
What is the programming term for a value that cannot be changed?
A. Variable
B. Function
C. Operator
D. Constant
E. Statement
F. Consistent
Question - 40
Which arithmetic operator is used to increment the value of a variable by one?
A. ||
B. - -
C. &&
D. ++
Question - 41
You want to have your script always check for the following text on every page: sorry. Portlet is
currently unavailable. Please try again later. What is the most efficient way to accomplish this?
A. Create a ContentCheck rule for the text
B. Add an Environment Check for the text
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C. Add a text area checkpoint on every page D.
Add a verification checkpoint on every page
Question - 42
Where should you add a web_reg_save_param function to a script?
A. In the global.h section
B. Before the step that contains the dynamic value
C. Before the step that retrieves the dynamic value
D. At the beginning of the action section that contains the dynamic value
Question - 43
Which function allows you to select the next available parameter?
A. lr_next_value
B. web_next_param
C. lr_advance_param
D. web_advance_parameter
Question - 44
Which function allows you to capture dynamic values returned from the server?
A. web_reg_find
B. web_reg_save_find
C. web_reg_save_value
D. web_reg_save_param
Question - 45
What is the programming term for a series of statements grouped together to perform a specific
A. Variable B.
Function C.
Operator D.
Constant E.
F. Consistent
Question - 46
What is the programming term for different values at different times?
A. Variable
B. Function
C. Operator
D. Constant
E. Statement
F. Consistent
Question - 47
Which characters are used to comment a single line?
A. //
B. \\
C. /*
D. */
Question - 48
Which function marks the ending of a measurement of elapsed time?
A. lr_end_transaction
B. web_end_transaction
C. lr_complete_transaction
D. web_complete_transaction
Question - 49
Which type of script is a lower level that records in Analog mode when using the web protocol in
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D. Winsock
Question - 50
What is the file extension for the script file that is opened by VuGen?
A. .c
B. .txt
C. .usr
D. .cor
Question - 51
Which tab is shown in the VuGen Output window?
A. Replay Log
B. Run-time Data
C. Generation Log
D. Parameter Simulator
Question - 52
Which type of script is a higher level that records in Browser or Context Sensitive mode when
using the web protocol in VuGen?
D. Winsock
Question - 53
What is used as an end-to-end measurement of time elapsed when one or more steps in a
business process have been completed?
A. Action
B. Function
C. Component
D. Transaction
Question - 54
Which VuGen view guides you through the steps in script creation?
A. Tree view
B. Task view
C. Script view
D. Thumbnail view
Question - 55
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What is the highlighted section of the Workflow Wizard called?
A. Task pane
B. Output pane
C. Thumbnail pane
D. Information pane
Question - 56
Which run-time setting node is available to all protocols?
A. General
B. Browser
C. Network
D. Internet Protocol
Question - 57
The image highlights a button on the VuGen floating toolbar. Which function is added to your
script when you click on this button?
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A. web_find
B. web_reg_find
C. web_reg_dialog
D. web_reg_save_param
Question - 58
Which programming language is used for the web Vuser type in VuGen?
B. Java
E. VBScript
Question - 59
When performing a manual correlation, where do you search for the dynamic value?
A. Script view
B. Recording Log
C. Tree view -> Client Request
D. Tree view -> Server Response
Question - 60
The screen shot is an example of which debugging tool?
A. Replay Log
B. Replay Summary
C. Run-time Viewer
D. Test Results Window