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Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is FrameWork in QTP

1)Framework defines how to approach for scripting .Framework may change form company to company & project to project.
It may be recording or descriptive
Automation Framework is nothing but Common Name Conviction where all the team members should follow same names(like OK ...)while updating in the object repository in order to
avoid confusion.
Automation Framework is nothing but the way we r doing automation is represented in a systematic way with proper planning like Initial Setup(setting up shared
repository..), Tool configuration,Test Data files,library
files,Script generation,Enhancements,Synchronisation,Exception
handling,Batch test,maintaning the scripts....all whichever
related to our automation plan.
Automation Framework is nothing but a set of guidelines designed by expert to accomplish a task in an
effective,eficcient and an optimised way. there are 4 different types of Framework 1)linear 2)
modular 3)keyword 4)hybrid max we follow keyword Framework
keyword Framework is nothing but creating a software
structure like
1)scripts 2)object repository 3)test data 4)recovery
scenario 5)log files 6)library files etc
1)create scripts and save it in scripts component
2)create shared o.r and save it in o.r component
3)create test data and save it in test data component
Etc after creating all these components include the files or
components to script or qtp and execte the script
Automation Framework is is a test plan for automation testing which drives entire automation testing
in a sytemamatic and scientific manner to execute the test script like Main Script--->DriverScripts--->Environment variables, Library files, Functions, Test Data(data table -

Here MainTest Script will call the DriverScripts
DriverScripts will call the required Env, Lib files,
So the entire test will be executed/carried out in a flow like explained above.(This comes under Keyword Driven Framework).

In real time projects, we use to call, Framework as a folder. This folder contains the components such as ,
Object Repository, logs ,test data,script,result...etc. so whatever files are created to develop a script are stored
in a separate folder, which is nothing but a Framework.

It basically depends upon the type of Framework being used - datadriven, modular, keyword based or hybrid Framework.

Test automation Framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and practices that provide support for automated software testing.