This article describes the permission’s functionalities that exists in Quality Center.
The first thing you have to be aware when customizing a Quality Center project is that permission settings are not defined in a single location but are spread in different parts of the customization sections. You might wonder why such a decision has been made? Even though, the location of these settings have some “reasonable” sense, I believe this complexifies the tasks of securing access to the project data.
Anyway, this is how it is so let’s start examining these settings.
All the security settings are defined in the Customization (accessible through Tools > Customize…).
The different sections where you can affect user’s permissions are:
• Set Up Project Users
• Set Up Groups
• Customize Module Access
• Set Up Workflow
• Script Generator - Add Defect Field Customization
• Script Generator - Defect Details Field Customization
• Script Editor
Let’s first start with setting up the Group.
Set Up Groups
On a fresh project, there are always 5 default groups that are already defined:
• Developer
• Project Manager
• QATester
• TDAdmin
• Viewer
These groups cannot be customized and cannot be removed from the project. In order to tailor the group permissions to your project, you need to create new groups. With these new groups, you will be able to customize their settings. When creating a new group, you need to indicate from which group you want to duplicate the initial settings. This can be useful especially if your new group has similar settings from another group.
Once created, you can amend its settings by selecting Change permissions. This will bring a new window divided into tabs for each Quality Center module:
• Requirements
• Business Components (optional)
• Test Plan
• Test Lab
• Defects
• Administration (customization module permissions)
For each module you will find similar settings where you can allow (if checked) or disable (unchecked) permissions for different aspects of the module.
There are usually 3 actions Add/Modify/Delete which gives you control on a group basis.
For the Delete action, you can specify that only the owner can delete the object (’Can be deleted by owner only’ checkbox).
For the Modify action, you can even define finer rules. For each field, you can restrict modification permissions to the owner only (’Can be modified by owner only’ checkbox) and, for fields defined by lists, you can specify transition rules (i.e. define a transition workflow). This last point is particularly interesting for workflow based transitions such as Status where the designer wants the user to follow a predefined path (for instance, a defect Status cannot be set as Fixed unless the testing team has validated it beforehand by setting its Status as Validated).
For the Test Plan, Test Lab and Defect tabs, you may have noticed a “Data-Hiding Filter” link. These are extra security settings and will bring another window with further customization settings.
First, you can set filtering conditions. By defining a filter, you limit the visibility scope a group has. As an example, imagine you have different teams who are accessing a QC project:
• Team 1: this team have access to some confidential technology and consequently is not accessible to everyone.
• Team 2: these are the outsourced testers who can log defects
To separate the defects that are confidential from the one that are not, a field called “Confidentiality Grade” has been created and this field contains 2 values “1-High” and “2-Low”.
If you are defining a user group for the Team 2 then you set a fiter for the “Confidentiality Grade” field with “2-Low” as the filter. By doing this, any user that is only part of this group will not see any defect with grade “1-High”.
Secondly, you can also hide fields from the user. This prevents a user from seeing values he shouldn’t.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
How to become a QC Project Administrator - Roles and Responsibilities
1.Log in to the QC - Site Administration Tool
2.Highlight the Project where the User is to become the Project Administrator
3.Check the Project Administrator Check box "ON" for the User
4.Save and Log Out
5.Log in to the QC Project
6.In the Customization Page, assign the user to the "TD_ADMIN_QTP_Project" Group
Remove the User from the "TD Admin" Group
Note: If the User is no longer a TD Admin of any Project,that user will no longer be able to log in to the Site Administration Tool.
Site Administrator: The Site Administrator allows the user to:
1.Become a QC Administrator of any QC Project
2.Create,Delete,Modify,Disconnect,Remove,Restore,Activate,Deactivate,Copy,Upgrade,....of any QC Project
3.Add Users to QC
NOTE:Once the User is added to QC, the user should be added to a Project in the Project Custmization Tool
4.Disconnect Users from Login Session
5.Update the QC License
6.Configure QC
7.View License usage
Site Administrator Access:
1.From the QC Home Page,Click the Site Administrator Link so that the "Quality Center - Administration" Log in Page Displays
2.Log in Using the Same User Name and Password used to log in to a QC Project
3."Site Projects" Tab is where a QC User can be set as a Site Administrator which allows them to access the "Quality Center - Site Administration" Tool
4.A Tree View of the Domains and Projects within those Domains Display
5."QualityCenter_DEMO" is a built in demo Project that comes with QC
6.Never DELETE "QualityCenter_DEMO"
7.This Project is where users can be set as a "Project Administrator"
Selecting the Project Administrator Check Box for a User in ANY* Project automatically makes a QC User a
a) QC "Site" Administrator
b) A "TD Admin" for Only that Project
8.There are other two Projects in a QC where a User might be set to become a Site Administrator(In Case the QualityCenter_DEMO project is accidentally deleted)
b) QC_EXAMPLE_Structure
9.Setting User as a Project Administrator in the QC-Site Administration automatically assigns the User to the TD_Admin User group for that Project
TD_Admin is a pre-defined QC User Group
User Defined Groups must be used instead of "TD Admin"
This is because QC was Customized to use only User-Defined Groups.
TD_ADMIN_QTP_Project is a user defined Group most equilaent to the TD_Admin Group
10. UnAssigning a User from the "TD Admin" Group will remove the user from being a Site Administrator.But if the User is still assigned to at least on a project as a Project Administrator (TD_Admin),the user can still access the Site Administration Tool
11. It is a good idea to have more than one user as a "Site Administrator" in order to have a backup person
12. It is not a good idea to have a user as a "Project Administrator" of a Project if that User's Position is not to be one,due to many reasons (i.e useless email notifications,accidental deletion of data...)
2.Highlight the Project where the User is to become the Project Administrator
3.Check the Project Administrator Check box "ON" for the User
4.Save and Log Out
5.Log in to the QC Project
6.In the Customization Page, assign the user to the "TD_ADMIN_QTP_Project" Group
Remove the User from the "TD Admin" Group
Note: If the User is no longer a TD Admin of any Project,that user will no longer be able to log in to the Site Administration Tool.
Site Administrator: The Site Administrator allows the user to:
1.Become a QC Administrator of any QC Project
2.Create,Delete,Modify,Disconnect,Remove,Restore,Activate,Deactivate,Copy,Upgrade,....of any QC Project
3.Add Users to QC
NOTE:Once the User is added to QC, the user should be added to a Project in the Project Custmization Tool
4.Disconnect Users from Login Session
5.Update the QC License
6.Configure QC
7.View License usage
Site Administrator Access:
1.From the QC Home Page,Click the Site Administrator Link so that the "Quality Center - Administration" Log in Page Displays
2.Log in Using the Same User Name and Password used to log in to a QC Project
3."Site Projects" Tab is where a QC User can be set as a Site Administrator which allows them to access the "Quality Center - Site Administration" Tool
4.A Tree View of the Domains and Projects within those Domains Display
5."QualityCenter_DEMO" is a built in demo Project that comes with QC
6.Never DELETE "QualityCenter_DEMO"
7.This Project is where users can be set as a "Project Administrator"
Selecting the Project Administrator Check Box for a User in ANY* Project automatically makes a QC User a
a) QC "Site" Administrator
b) A "TD Admin" for Only that Project
8.There are other two Projects in a QC where a User might be set to become a Site Administrator(In Case the QualityCenter_DEMO project is accidentally deleted)
b) QC_EXAMPLE_Structure
9.Setting User as a Project Administrator in the QC-Site Administration automatically assigns the User to the TD_Admin User group for that Project
TD_Admin is a pre-defined QC User Group
User Defined Groups must be used instead of "TD Admin"
This is because QC was Customized to use only User-Defined Groups.
TD_ADMIN_QTP_Project is a user defined Group most equilaent to the TD_Admin Group
10. UnAssigning a User from the "TD Admin" Group will remove the user from being a Site Administrator.But if the User is still assigned to at least on a project as a Project Administrator (TD_Admin),the user can still access the Site Administration Tool
11. It is a good idea to have more than one user as a "Site Administrator" in order to have a backup person
12. It is not a good idea to have a user as a "Project Administrator" of a Project if that User's Position is not to be one,due to many reasons (i.e useless email notifications,accidental deletion of data...)
QC Customization
Monday, September 6, 2010
QTP Scripting GuideLines
1 Introduction
Coding conventions are suggestions designed to help write code using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting for QTP. The document describes the coding standards to be followed while developing automated test scripts for Oracle applications. In general, this document talks about a general purpose set of coding conventions that will define minimum requirements while coding using QTP.
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
The following are the main objectives of this document
Define guidelines for test script development.
Define naming conventions for test scripts, data sheets, library files, reusable actions and Result files.
Outline Best practices
1.3 Purpose
A standardized process for automated test script development is important due to the following reasons
Automated regression test scripts are developed with a long term perspective. The test scripts thus developed should be highly maintainable. Also, hardly automated test scripts are maintained for its whole life by the original author.
Scripting conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing engineers to understand new scripts more quickly and thoroughly.
Improve readability by ensuring a “common look and feel” to the scripts regardless of how many people have worked on it.
Using consistent Scripting standards and naming conventions will not only contribute significant time and resource savings for both the initial construction and long term maintenance of automated test scripts, but also improve script efficiency dramatically. Developing these standards prior to construction and adhering to them during construction is thus very important.
2 Naming Conventions
Good coding conventions result in precise, readable, and unambiguous source code that is consistent with other language conventions and is as intuitive as possible. The coding standard guideline is to standardize the way coding is done across the automation effort for Oracle applications.
2.1 Constant Naming Conventions
Earlier versions of VBScript had no mechanism for creating user-defined constants. Constants, if used, were implemented as variables and distinguished from other variables using all uppercase characters. Multiple words were separated using the underscore (_) character.
While this is still an acceptable way to identify your constants, you can create true constants using the Const Statement. This convention uses a mixed-case format in which constant names have a “con” prefix. One declaration per line is recommended since it encourages commenting
Const conInventoryOrg = “STOR”
2.2 Variable Naming Conventions:
A simplified form of Hungarian notation should be used to indicate the data type and the scope of a variable.
Use a lower case prefix for the type
Concatenate scope and type prefixes, in that order, add an “a” for Action level variable Ex: aintQuantity (where “a” indicates that the variable is at action level)
To enhance readability and consistency, use the following prefixes with descriptive names for variables in your VBScript code:
Subtype Prefix Example
Boolean bln blnFound
Byte byt bytRasterData
Date (Time) dtm dtmStart
Double dbl dblTolerance
Error err errOrderNumber
Integer int intQuantity
Long lng lngTotalPrice
Object obj objCurrent
Single Sng sngAverage
String Str strFirstName
2.3 User Defined Functions
The function or procedure name should be descriptive of its primary purpose.
Sub RunConcurrentProgram (. . .)
In VBScript, there are two kinds of procedures; the Sub procedure and the Function procedure. A Function in the script must always be used on the right side of a variable assignment or in an expression.
StrStatusMessge = GetStatusbarMessage ()
2.4 Parameters Naming Conventions:
When parameters are created give the parameter-column name as the name of the field in the Oracle form. Because using the field-name, it will be clear what Oracle field is parameterized when maintenance is required. A prefix of “P_” will be added to the Parameter thus defined.
2.5 Object Naming Conventions:
During test script development when there is a requirement to use descriptive programming for object identification. Therefore it is necessary to use some recommended conventions to name the objects. Suffix the object type with the name of the object. The following list some of the objects in oracle forms and the required prefix to be followed. The name of the Object will be designated based on the Form Name as designed in the Oracle Applications in Initial Capital format. So for example a form with the name “Find Orders” in Oracle will be given the name “FindOrders” for the purpose of descriptive programming.
Object Type Suffix Example
Window Window/Form SubmitRequestWindow or SubmitRequestForm
Button Button ApproveButton
Tabbed Region Tab MainTab
Check Box CheckBox GlobalCheckBox
In Oracle Forms objects are recognized as a Parent-Child hierarchy. For example under the Sales Order Window there will be Tab Regions which in turn will have editable text fields. For this purpose the description of the Child object must be preceded by its corresponding Parent’s name as well.
So for example, if the Oracle Form is named “Sales Order Form” in which there is a tab region named “Main” and under which there is a text field called Customer Number then the object description should follow the hierarchy as below:-
Sales Order Form description: - SalesOrderWindow
Main Tab Region’s description: - SalesOrderWindow_MainTab
Text Field’s description: - SalesOrderWindow_MainTab_CustomerNumberTextField
2.6 Code Commenting Conventions:
The following are the commenting conventions to be used while script development.
All procedures should begin with a brief comment describing what they do. This description should not describe the implementation details (how it does it) because these often change over time, resulting in unnecessary comment maintenance work, or worse, erroneous comments.
Arguments passed to a procedure should be described when their purpose is not obvious and when the procedure expects the arguments to be in a specific range.
Return values for functions and variables that are changed by a procedure, especially through reference arguments, should also be described at the beginning of each procedure.
Every important variable declaration should include an inline comment describing the use of the variable being declared
Variables, controls, and procedures should be named clearly to ensure that inline comments are only needed for complex implementation details.
At the beginning of the script, there should be an overview that describes the script, enumerating objects, procedures, algorithms, dialog boxes, and other system dependencies. Sometimes a piece of pseudo code describing the algorithm can be helpful.
There should be header comments included for procedures. The header comments should include the following section headings:
2.7 Checkpoints and Description of Checkpoints
When a Checkpoint is inserted, add a comment which details the type check point, objective of the checkpoint, the value / object /event checked.
3 Test Script/Components Header
Header information are comments usually at the beginning of a test script, reusable action, user defined function or procedure, library files or object definitions.
All procedures and functions should begin with a Header block describing the functional characteristics of the routine (what it does). This description should not describe the implementation details (how it does it), because these may change over time, resulting in unnecessary comment maintenance work or, worse, erroneous comments.
3.1 Procedures/Function headers
'* Function Name : Name of the function
'* Process Thread : NA.
'* Object/Details : A brief description of the flow of the function
'* Input Parameters : Input variables description to the function
'* Output Parameters : Output variables description to the function
'* Pre-Conditions : Any pre-requisites for the function
'* Post-Conditions : NA
'* Reusable Actions/Functions Used: None.
'* Author : The name of the person who created the function
'* Date : The date on which the function was created
'* Comments : Comments if any
3.2 Reusable Action Header
Reusable actions should contain the following header information.
'* Objective : The main objective of the reusable action
'* Action input : input action parameters
'* Action output : output action parameters
'* Pre - Conditions: The preconditions that should be satisfied before the
Action can be called
'* Post - Conditions: Post conditions that should be executed, if any
‘* Author : The name of person who originally created
‘* Date : The date on which the action was created
‘* Last Modified date: The last modification date
3.3 Library File
'* Name : Name of the lib file
'* Functions : Name and description of the functions in the file
'* Classification : General or oracle module name.
3.4 Object Definition File
'* Name : Name of the objects file
'* Classification : Common or Oracle module name
3.5 Test Script
'* Project Name : Name of the Project
'* Test Reference : Test Case name related to the script
'* Script Title : Name of the automation script
'* Test Version : Script version
'* Test Version Date: Version Date
'* Application Code Version: Application Version
'* Created by : Name of the person who created the script
'* Date of script Creation: Creation date of the script
'* Purpose/Description : A brief description of the script
'* Input Excel Sheet Name: Input Data Sheet Name of the script
'* Results Excel Sheet Name: Result Sheet Name for the script
'* Initial Conditions: Any initial setups that may need to be performed before running the script
'* Dependencies/Assumptions: Describe if there are any dependencies for the script
'* Pass/Fail Criteria: List out the PASS/FAIL conditions for the script 1. Successful Generation of Invoice
4 Script and Components Naming
4.1 Test Script Naming
Test Script names should prefix with Application Name followed by an underscore and the word “SCN” and in succession followed by a short description of the script.
Try to keep your test script names simple and descriptive
Use whole words-avoid acronyms and abbreviations (unless the abbreviation is much more widely used than the long form.) in Initial Capital format
The Script Name should contain a reference to the test case or test suite
Use the underscore “_”for separation.
4.2 Action Naming
Actions created using QTP should have a meaningful Name.
They should be in mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalized and prefixed by the letters “RU” and an underscore.
RU_Login should be the name assigned for the reusable action designed for logging into the Oracle Front End application.
4.3 Library File Naming
A library file would be created as a place holder for a group of general user defined functions. Also there would be a library file specific to each module. The name of the library file should start with the application name and a meaningful name/module name. Use “_” as a separation character. When the module name/general name has multiple words, they should be in mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalized
4.4 Data File Naming
Input data files would be maintained separately. The data files are excel spread sheets that would be called inside the test dynamically by the script during execution. Each test script will have an input data file. The data file names should be same as the test script except that they will be followed by the string “Data”. This would help in associating a data file with a test script and the test case.
4.5 Object File Naming
The object file will be designed based on the responsibility in the Oracle Applications and the whole file should have the object descriptions of the different Oracle Forms that are available under that responsibility. The Object file must be named accordingly as the requisite responsibility name followed by the word “Objects” preceded by an underscore.
Test Script Usage and Maintenance
A Test script usage & maintenance document should be prepared for each script or for a group of test sets. The document helps in future maintenance of scripts and for easy execution of scripts by anyone. The document should address the following:
Scope of test script or test set
Execution steps for the scripts
Opening the test through QTP
Reference to Test plan & Test cases
Viewing/Editing test data
Executing the test script
Viewing/Analyzing Results & log
Baseline data used for script execution
Test scripts location
Limitation of test scripts
Reference – PEs, BRDs, SRDs etc..
Coding conventions are suggestions designed to help write code using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting for QTP. The document describes the coding standards to be followed while developing automated test scripts for Oracle applications. In general, this document talks about a general purpose set of coding conventions that will define minimum requirements while coding using QTP.
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
The following are the main objectives of this document
Define guidelines for test script development.
Define naming conventions for test scripts, data sheets, library files, reusable actions and Result files.
Outline Best practices
1.3 Purpose
A standardized process for automated test script development is important due to the following reasons
Automated regression test scripts are developed with a long term perspective. The test scripts thus developed should be highly maintainable. Also, hardly automated test scripts are maintained for its whole life by the original author.
Scripting conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing engineers to understand new scripts more quickly and thoroughly.
Improve readability by ensuring a “common look and feel” to the scripts regardless of how many people have worked on it.
Using consistent Scripting standards and naming conventions will not only contribute significant time and resource savings for both the initial construction and long term maintenance of automated test scripts, but also improve script efficiency dramatically. Developing these standards prior to construction and adhering to them during construction is thus very important.
2 Naming Conventions
Good coding conventions result in precise, readable, and unambiguous source code that is consistent with other language conventions and is as intuitive as possible. The coding standard guideline is to standardize the way coding is done across the automation effort for Oracle applications.
2.1 Constant Naming Conventions
Earlier versions of VBScript had no mechanism for creating user-defined constants. Constants, if used, were implemented as variables and distinguished from other variables using all uppercase characters. Multiple words were separated using the underscore (_) character.
While this is still an acceptable way to identify your constants, you can create true constants using the Const Statement. This convention uses a mixed-case format in which constant names have a “con” prefix. One declaration per line is recommended since it encourages commenting
Const conInventoryOrg = “STOR”
2.2 Variable Naming Conventions:
A simplified form of Hungarian notation should be used to indicate the data type and the scope of a variable.
Use a lower case prefix for the type
Concatenate scope and type prefixes, in that order, add an “a” for Action level variable Ex: aintQuantity (where “a” indicates that the variable is at action level)
To enhance readability and consistency, use the following prefixes with descriptive names for variables in your VBScript code:
Subtype Prefix Example
Boolean bln blnFound
Byte byt bytRasterData
Date (Time) dtm dtmStart
Double dbl dblTolerance
Error err errOrderNumber
Integer int intQuantity
Long lng lngTotalPrice
Object obj objCurrent
Single Sng sngAverage
String Str strFirstName
2.3 User Defined Functions
The function or procedure name should be descriptive of its primary purpose.
Sub RunConcurrentProgram (. . .)
In VBScript, there are two kinds of procedures; the Sub procedure and the Function procedure. A Function in the script must always be used on the right side of a variable assignment or in an expression.
StrStatusMessge = GetStatusbarMessage ()
2.4 Parameters Naming Conventions:
When parameters are created give the parameter-column name as the name of the field in the Oracle form. Because using the field-name, it will be clear what Oracle field is parameterized when maintenance is required. A prefix of “P_” will be added to the Parameter thus defined.
2.5 Object Naming Conventions:
During test script development when there is a requirement to use descriptive programming for object identification. Therefore it is necessary to use some recommended conventions to name the objects. Suffix the object type with the name of the object. The following list some of the objects in oracle forms and the required prefix to be followed. The name of the Object will be designated based on the Form Name as designed in the Oracle Applications in Initial Capital format. So for example a form with the name “Find Orders” in Oracle will be given the name “FindOrders” for the purpose of descriptive programming.
Object Type Suffix Example
Window Window/Form SubmitRequestWindow or SubmitRequestForm
Button Button ApproveButton
Tabbed Region Tab MainTab
Check Box CheckBox GlobalCheckBox
In Oracle Forms objects are recognized as a Parent-Child hierarchy. For example under the Sales Order Window there will be Tab Regions which in turn will have editable text fields. For this purpose the description of the Child object must be preceded by its corresponding Parent’s name as well.
So for example, if the Oracle Form is named “Sales Order Form” in which there is a tab region named “Main” and under which there is a text field called Customer Number then the object description should follow the hierarchy as below:-
Sales Order Form description: - SalesOrderWindow
Main Tab Region’s description: - SalesOrderWindow_MainTab
Text Field’s description: - SalesOrderWindow_MainTab_CustomerNumberTextField
2.6 Code Commenting Conventions:
The following are the commenting conventions to be used while script development.
All procedures should begin with a brief comment describing what they do. This description should not describe the implementation details (how it does it) because these often change over time, resulting in unnecessary comment maintenance work, or worse, erroneous comments.
Arguments passed to a procedure should be described when their purpose is not obvious and when the procedure expects the arguments to be in a specific range.
Return values for functions and variables that are changed by a procedure, especially through reference arguments, should also be described at the beginning of each procedure.
Every important variable declaration should include an inline comment describing the use of the variable being declared
Variables, controls, and procedures should be named clearly to ensure that inline comments are only needed for complex implementation details.
At the beginning of the script, there should be an overview that describes the script, enumerating objects, procedures, algorithms, dialog boxes, and other system dependencies. Sometimes a piece of pseudo code describing the algorithm can be helpful.
There should be header comments included for procedures. The header comments should include the following section headings:
2.7 Checkpoints and Description of Checkpoints
When a Checkpoint is inserted, add a comment which details the type check point, objective of the checkpoint, the value / object /event checked.
3 Test Script/Components Header
Header information are comments usually at the beginning of a test script, reusable action, user defined function or procedure, library files or object definitions.
All procedures and functions should begin with a Header block describing the functional characteristics of the routine (what it does). This description should not describe the implementation details (how it does it), because these may change over time, resulting in unnecessary comment maintenance work or, worse, erroneous comments.
3.1 Procedures/Function headers
'* Function Name : Name of the function
'* Process Thread : NA.
'* Object/Details : A brief description of the flow of the function
'* Input Parameters : Input variables description to the function
'* Output Parameters : Output variables description to the function
'* Pre-Conditions : Any pre-requisites for the function
'* Post-Conditions : NA
'* Reusable Actions/Functions Used: None.
'* Author : The name of the person who created the function
'* Date : The date on which the function was created
'* Comments : Comments if any
3.2 Reusable Action Header
Reusable actions should contain the following header information.
'* Objective : The main objective of the reusable action
'* Action input : input action parameters
'* Action output : output action parameters
'* Pre - Conditions: The preconditions that should be satisfied before the
Action can be called
'* Post - Conditions: Post conditions that should be executed, if any
‘* Author : The name of person who originally created
‘* Date : The date on which the action was created
‘* Last Modified date: The last modification date
3.3 Library File
'* Name : Name of the lib file
'* Functions : Name and description of the functions in the file
'* Classification : General or oracle module name.
3.4 Object Definition File
'* Name : Name of the objects file
'* Classification : Common or Oracle module name
3.5 Test Script
'* Project Name : Name of the Project
'* Test Reference : Test Case name related to the script
'* Script Title : Name of the automation script
'* Test Version : Script version
'* Test Version Date: Version Date
'* Application Code Version: Application Version
'* Created by : Name of the person who created the script
'* Date of script Creation: Creation date of the script
'* Purpose/Description : A brief description of the script
'* Input Excel Sheet Name: Input Data Sheet Name of the script
'* Results Excel Sheet Name: Result Sheet Name for the script
'* Initial Conditions: Any initial setups that may need to be performed before running the script
'* Dependencies/Assumptions: Describe if there are any dependencies for the script
'* Pass/Fail Criteria: List out the PASS/FAIL conditions for the script 1. Successful Generation of Invoice
4 Script and Components Naming
4.1 Test Script Naming
Test Script names should prefix with Application Name followed by an underscore and the word “SCN” and in succession followed by a short description of the script.
Try to keep your test script names simple and descriptive
Use whole words-avoid acronyms and abbreviations (unless the abbreviation is much more widely used than the long form.) in Initial Capital format
The Script Name should contain a reference to the test case or test suite
Use the underscore “_”for separation.
4.2 Action Naming
Actions created using QTP should have a meaningful Name.
They should be in mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalized and prefixed by the letters “RU” and an underscore.
RU_Login should be the name assigned for the reusable action designed for logging into the Oracle Front End application.
4.3 Library File Naming
A library file would be created as a place holder for a group of general user defined functions. Also there would be a library file specific to each module. The name of the library file should start with the application name and a meaningful name/module name. Use “_” as a separation character. When the module name/general name has multiple words, they should be in mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalized
4.4 Data File Naming
Input data files would be maintained separately. The data files are excel spread sheets that would be called inside the test dynamically by the script during execution. Each test script will have an input data file. The data file names should be same as the test script except that they will be followed by the string “Data”. This would help in associating a data file with a test script and the test case.
4.5 Object File Naming
The object file will be designed based on the responsibility in the Oracle Applications and the whole file should have the object descriptions of the different Oracle Forms that are available under that responsibility. The Object file must be named accordingly as the requisite responsibility name followed by the word “Objects” preceded by an underscore.
Test Script Usage and Maintenance
A Test script usage & maintenance document should be prepared for each script or for a group of test sets. The document helps in future maintenance of scripts and for easy execution of scripts by anyone. The document should address the following:
Scope of test script or test set
Execution steps for the scripts
Opening the test through QTP
Reference to Test plan & Test cases
Viewing/Editing test data
Executing the test script
Viewing/Analyzing Results & log
Baseline data used for script execution
Test scripts location
Limitation of test scripts
Reference – PEs, BRDs, SRDs etc..
QTP Scripting GuideLines
Tables in QC - Test Set - Used to generate Excel Reports
TABLE: CYCLE (Test Sets)
CY_CYCLE_ID The ID of the test set record.
CY_CYCLE The test set name assigned by the creator of the test set.
51 CY_FOLDER_ID The CYCL_FOLD.CF_ITEM_ID of the folder containing the test set.
CY_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the test set is associated.
TABLE: CYCL_FOLD (The test set folder tree.)
CF_ITEM_ID The record ID.
CF_ITEM_NAME The folder name.
CF_FATHER_ID The CF_ITEM_ID of the folder containing this item. Root folders have CF_FATHER_ID = 0.
CF_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the folder is associated.
TABLE: TESTCYCL (Instances of design tests in test sets.)
TC_CYCLE_ID The CYCLE.CY_CYCLE_ID of the test set containing this test. (test set ID)
TC_STATUS The status of the last run of the test instance. The values are from the Status custom list.
Typical values are: Not Completed, No Run, Passed, N/A, Failed.
TC_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the test instance is associated.
CY_CYCLE_ID The ID of the test set record.
CY_CYCLE The test set name assigned by the creator of the test set.
51 CY_FOLDER_ID The CYCL_FOLD.CF_ITEM_ID of the folder containing the test set.
CY_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the test set is associated.
TABLE: CYCL_FOLD (The test set folder tree.)
CF_ITEM_ID The record ID.
CF_ITEM_NAME The folder name.
CF_FATHER_ID The CF_ITEM_ID of the folder containing this item. Root folders have CF_FATHER_ID = 0.
CF_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the folder is associated.
TABLE: TESTCYCL (Instances of design tests in test sets.)
TC_CYCLE_ID The CYCLE.CY_CYCLE_ID of the test set containing this test. (test set ID)
TC_STATUS The status of the last run of the test instance. The values are from the Status custom list.
Typical values are: Not Completed, No Run, Passed, N/A, Failed.
TC_ASSIGN_RCYC The RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle with which the test instance is associated.
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