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Monday, September 6, 2010

How to become a QC Administrator - QC Administration Terminology

Site Administrator: A User who can access the "Quality center Site administration" Tool.

TD Admin or Project Administrator:A User who can Customize a Specific QC Project .

Quality Center Site Administration: A tool that allows a site Administrator to become a TD Admin,Create and modify Projects,Add Users and Configure QC.Project level Customization is excluded from this tool.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Requirements for Load Testing

Questions that need to be answered for coming up with test scenarios:

1.What would be the max number of users logged in and using the system at one time?
2.Which transactions (features) are most commonly used?
3.What would be the max number of users processing a transaction at one time?
4.How many of each transaction takes place per day?
5.What time of day do certain transactions take place?
6.What are the transactions acceptable response times?
7.What connection speeds would be used by how many users for each transaction?
8.What transactions would be taking place at the same time and how many?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Folder Structure in QTP Package

The high level explanation could be as follows:


a. Action folders : , , ....
b. Files inside the :
1. .cfg file -
This holds the run time information like addins loaded, user information, etc.

2. .prm file -
Hlds the information about the number of iterations and the parameters that are used within the script / action.

3. .usr file -
This will be generated to hold the name of the script, the objectRepository info, etc.

4. .lck file -
This is a lock file.

5. .mtr file -
(No idea)

6. .xls sheet -
The default sheet that holds the parameters used within the script.

7. .prm.bak file -
backup file.

8. .usp file -
Stores some RUnLogic information for the script.

9. thin_usr.dat file -
similar to the thick usr file. The diff is not clear exactly.

10. thick_usr.dat file -
Stores high level info about all the above and below files indicating what set of files was created, etc.

11. .tsp file -

3. folder:
This is a default folder that is created to hold the following:

a. folder:
This will hold all the active screen files which are zipped, pertaining to that action.

b. file -
This file holds info regarding the object rep used, the shared libraries used, and possibly maitains a track of how the script is being accessed through the code. Ie. the call chain.

c. Script.mts -
This is the script file actually.

d. .tsr -
The object rep file if used in per action mode.

e. The result file.

f. The action excel sheets.

The subsequent action folders hold similar set of files.

Basic guide lines and check list for web testing

Aspects to cover: Functionality Usability User Interface Server side interface Compatibility Security Performance
LINKS: To check for all the links in the web site 1) All hyper links
2) All Internal links 3) All mail links 4) Check for Orphan pages
5) Check for broken links FORMS: To check for the integrity of submission of all forms 1) All field level checks 2) All field level validations
3) Functionality of create,modify,delete,and view
4) Handling of wrong inputs
5) Default values if any 6) Optional Vs Mandatory fields

COOKIES: Check for the cookies that has to be enabled and how it has to be expired

WEB INDEXING: Depending on how the site is designed using meta tags, frames, HTML Syntax, dynamically created pages, Passwords or different languages, our site will be searchable in different ways

DATABASE: Two types of errors occurs in WEB Application
1) Data Integrity: Missing or wrong data in Table
2) Output Errors: Errors in writing, editing, or reading operation in the table

USABILITY: How simple customer can browse the web site NAVIGATION:
1) Navigation describes the way user navigate with in a webpage, between different user interface controls (buttons, text boxes, combo boxes, drop down lists………etc) 2) Application navigation is proper through tabs
3) Application navigation is proper through mouse
4) Any hot keys, control keys to access menus

CONTENT: 1) Correctness is whether the information is truthful or contains mis information
2) The accuracy of the information is whether it is with out grammatical or spelling errors
3) Spelling and grammar
4) Updated information (contact details, mail ID’s, help reports)

GENERAL APPEARANCE: 1) Page appearance 2) Colour, font size 3) Frames 4) Consistant designs 5) Symbols and logo’s

: 1) Verify that communication is done correctly, WEB Server – Application Server, Application Server – database Server and vice versa
2) Compatibility of Server software, hardware, network connections
3) Database compatibility
4) External interfaces if any CLIENT SIDE COMPATIBILITY: Platforms: XP, NT, UNIX, LINUX, Solaris, Macintosh Browsers: IE (3.x, 4.x, 5.x), NET Scape, AOL Browser Settings